Laetare or Rose Sunday 2024

Rejoice in the Middle of Lent

     In 2022 I wrote a blog on Rose or Gaudete Sunday of Advent. Every Sunday we rejoice in the shared meal of the Eucharist. Today the Gospel Reading is the feeding of the multitude found in John chapter 6. Our Bishop today reminded us that we can rejoice as we are the "multitude" being feed. The Old Testament reading today, from Exodus 16, was the feeding of the Israelites with Manna. Manna was the miraculous food that God rained from Heaven causing the Israelites to say, "What is it?" in their Hebrew/Egyptian language. 
    Language fascinates me and I am always looking for the origin of words. We know that when people groups mix they collect pieces of each others language. The people with Moses who stepped outside their tents and saw this new food source said, "What is it?" and the name stuck. Thousands of years later we still don't know what it was but it nourished the Children of God in the dessert. As we take the bread and wine of the Eucharist each Mass we are nourished as well.

   Time Change

    I have not done much writing the past 4 months as I experienced my own person plaque of psoriasis. Beginning in early November, about the time of the Time Change,  my eyes swelled and wept constantly. I tried homeopathic treatments, medical treatments and for the past four months have been removing things and reintroducing things from my lifestyle and diet. There were also patches on both of my arms that broke out. With Emu Oil, Probiotics, Vitamin D, and light therapy today I am one week without a fresh outbreak. With today marking the end of the Time Change I pray that healing will continue. 

"Rejoice, Again I say, Rejoice."

   So, as we continue on with two more weeks of Lent before the week of The Passion...The pink roses on the altar today reminded me of the joy of flowers. May we rejoice in the pre-Spring time. 


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