New Appointments


     About a months ago my Bishop asked me to lunch. We discussed me being appointed to a position that I had not heard of since I was a small child. I was raised in the Baptist tradition and I now worship in the Anglican traditions so I knew the title of Deaconess must be something very different. In the next few weeks I fell down a number of rabbit holes searching for "Anglican Deaconesses" and found that there are not many in the U.S.A. 
     A friend gave me a new book by Donna Fletcher Crow entitled "A Darkly Hidden Truth." Fletcher Crow did not disappointment me in my search of Anglican Traditions in England. In the story Felicity  visits Anglican convents and Sisters of Service which gave me ideas of how I might fill this position in the USA today.
     The appointment of Deaconess in my Province of Christ the King Anglican (APCK) must come from a Bishop. This is an appointment and not an ordination. Many other sects throughout the world allow their Deaconesses to step up into service positions that I believe should be held by men in the church. The APCK doe not ordain women and this is strictly an appointment. 
    What brought me to the attention of the Bishops was what I already do. I then needed to understand why I do these things and is there a "calling". I have heard it said, "A calling is when you can't imagine yourself doing anything else."   In education we have something call the "FIRST FIVE". Phycologist tell us that the first five years of a child's life are critical in development. My first five years were standard 1960's. However, I had TWO great grandmothers still living, two grandmothers in the same town and a host of church ladies to grandmother me. I spent a lot of time with my Great grandma Bussey. 
    She taught me how to listen to elderly people and ingrained in me a need to sit and quietly listen. Everywhere I have ever lived there have been men and women who were 70 plus who I would adopt as my Grandparents. Now I have a group of 90-plus year old ladies that I love to sit and visit with when ever I have a chance. My other great grandmother was a Sunday School teacher until she was nearly 100 years old. She lived to be 103 and I was there with my Baby Mary 31 years ago to celebrate her 100th birthday.
    My mother also taught the Bible to children in our neighborhood and in church. She began teaching a neighborhood Bible Club in our home the year I was born. When I was interviewed by the standing committee last week I told them that what I do that would qualify me to be a Deaconess is my basic nature. In computer terms I am hardwired to serve the elderly, teach the Bible, and care for the church. I do not need a title or an appointment as this is what I am doing and will continue to do with or without the title. It was unanimous that I be given the title. I will have a "setting apart" ceremony sometime in the future.

    Another Appointment

    On a separate front I have another new appointment. After 7 years as a Classified Instructional Aid (CIA) in my local elementary school district. I have change to a Resource Special Education Aid (RSP). I get paid more and no long have to spend 2 1/2 hours a day on the playground or in the cafeteria. My ratio on most of the 2 1/2 hours was 1:120. That is me and 120 children on the playground every morning. Then me and 120 children in the cafeteria. My life now is so peaceful. I work with 3 to 5 children at a time inside a classroom. We work on math and language arts. For me this is a dream job.
    This summer I will again work as a custodian for the two month of summer break. Molly has her room booked at the Kitty B&B while I take a few days off to see my latest grandchild before I get started this summer. Then she is booked again at the end of summer break while I visit with the other grandchildren in the Sacramento area. 
    Today my friend, Betty and I went to see Downton Abbey: A New Era . It was spectacular! At the 10 a.m. viewing on Saturday morning, the theater was sold out. We then got our groceries together and after dropping her off I went to decorate the altar for church tomorrow. 
We had this beautiful alar installed two weeks ago.

    I took this picture last Sunday and added some pink lilies for tomorrow. We have an adorable lady who is coming for her birthday blessing tomorrow. She is 102 years old.  Absolutely Amazing!

   I am grateful for the opportunities I have been given this year. The Spring semester of my university ended a week ago and the Summer session begins on Monday. I am blessed 🌻


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