Frosty Winds

Cold Winds from the North
In Redding we get a lot of rain and rarely get snow on the valley floor. Two years ago we had "The Snow of the Century" also called, "Snowmagendon." The electricity was off all over the county and school was closed for three days.

I took this picture from my porch at 11 p.m. Feb 12, 2019
This week we may see snow again on the Valley Floor. 
 Molly is waiting in anticipation.
I have put away all the patio furniture as we wait to see what tomorrow will hold.

I have seen this meme a lot
The Covid is still causing havoc with our world. People I know have lost loved ones. Kids are expected to wear masks all day at school in Kindergarten all the way up. Someone entered our church and vandalized the place. My heart has been heavy with all the political disharmony at all levels of our government. 

January 25, 2021 has been a day for the record.

    🙏   My university transcript from a school I attended in Quincy, CA (1980s) is stored in San Francisco. I have requested a copy be sent to my new university three times. Let's hope the third time is the charm.
    😷I teach reading to four different groups of students each day. One of those classes has gone on distance learning for the next two weeks. I will get to jump from in-person with one group to online with the next group starting tomorrow. Today we packed those kiddos desks up and sent their supplies home. 
    ⛄It is cooooold in Redding. Snow is predicted in the next 24 hours. 
   👵   I got a sweet phone call from a 92 year old lady to check on me. That warms my heavy heart.
   📸 We got more cameras installed at church.
My Grandchildren celebrated Christmas together yesterday

😍    I get to have an 8x 10 of this photo for my wall.

The nail strip business

I am waiting on my business cards. Deena M. Orr

Molly and I have been making these...
...adorable earrings from the leftover nail strips. 

Giving my New Step-Mother...

... a manicure every few weeks has been great bonding for us. I have known her for 30 years, but as my Dad's wife this has been a bonus for us all.
February will be fun 💕💕💕💕
Selfcare at it's finest 💅
Many times in my life I have needed to say, "One day at a time, sweet Jesus." This is certainly the case this year. 
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble. Mathew 6:34 (NKJ)

Are not two sparrows sold for a [i]copper coin? And not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father’s will. 30But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. 31Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows. Matthew 10:29-31 (NKJ)




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