Joy in the Wind

My One Word for this year is JOY.
A decade ago I used Ann Voskamp's journal to count 3 gifts a day for 365 days.
That practice began a change in my lift to look for small gifts of joy in the day. We encourage the staff and students to pick One Word each year using the kid version of Jon Gordon's book.
Last year my word was Kindness and I made a vision board with my word. In the next week I will have my 3rd graders make a vision board with their One Word. The 3rd graders humbled me last year with their sincerity when choosing their one word. The passion in an 8 or 9 year old's eyes when they spoke about why they chose that word was inspiring. 
I took time during my winter break to read my first Donna Fletcher Crow book. I love church history and after rereading How the Irish Saved Civilization  I visited a friend who introduced me to Ms. Crow.
A Very Private Grave was a fast read for me as I traveled through Ireland and followed the roads that Cuthbert had walked. 
My friend also gave me Glastonbury to begin another trek through England's history. Reading has been a challenge as my eye have been changing, again. When I turned 40 my eye doctor gave me "trifocals."
Then two years back my ophthalmologist told me my glasses were over  corrected. Again, last week he told me the same thing and explained what was happening.
    It appears that I have the beginning of cataracts and that it is causing a little swelling in my eyes. I have always had astigmatism (wonky eye balls) and the swelling is rounding out the wonky eyes. So, I have ordered new lenses. Meanwhile, he suggested that I get drug store cheaters for reading. The Grocery Outlet had a stand and now I read with the cheaters. I walk around the playground with single vision sun glasses and will have bifocals for everyday soon. With luck I will put off surgery until I turn 65 and can have Medicare.
    I start my new semester of university classes this week. It will be four classes in two class sessions of 8 weeks each again. This time they are: Individuals with Special Needs, Intro to Early Childhood Education, Curriculum and Instruction in Math & Science, and Intro to Teacher Education. There is a lot of overlap in these classes and I enjoy the challenges. 
    We are expecting an addition to the family in the form of a Baby Girl to my youngest daughter in the near future. She sends me a pictorial list for Trader Joe's and I enjoy sending her a seasonal care package a few times a year. If anyone wants to give me a care package here are a few things you could leave on my  porch as I start up tutoring tomorrow after school to go with taking 12 units of university classes and full days with school from 7 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. ~ lunch then tutor.


any fruits
... or just a personal note to remind me "You got this girl!"

In the Book of Common Prayer daily office we read this in Psalm 118 yesterday. I pray you will have the voice of joy and health in 2022.

15 The voice of joy and health is in the dwellings of the righteous; * the right hand of the LORD bringeth mighty things to pass. (KJ)


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