Rejoice - Gaudete



Rejoice, rejoice!
Christ is born
Of the Virgin Mary –

The time of grace has come—
What we have wished for;
Songs of joy
Let us give back faithfully.

God has become man,
With nature marveling,
The world has been renewed
By the reigning Christ.

The closed gate of Ezekiel
Is passed through,
Whence the light is risen;
Salvation has been found.

Therefore, let our assembly
Now sing in brightness
Let it bless the Lord:
Salvation to our King.
This video is the Latin words of the original song. Gaudete is Latin for Rejoice in this 16th century carol.

3rd Sunday of Advent

Trader Joe's has a beautiful "Country Rose" collection
     It is important to remember as we celebrate the Season of Advent that we are not only preparing for the celebration of the birth of Jesus our Christ, but also we are preparing our hearts as we await HIS second coming at the end of the age. He came a little over 2,000 years ago to be the sin offering for us all and as he rose again from the dead on Easter Sunday we have roses adorn the altar twice a year during Lent and Advent. 
    Both Lent and Advent are times to prepare our hearts for a great celebration in our faith. In Lent we often go without something in a form of fasting. Historically, meat, butter and sweets are removed from the diet. During Advent I have recently heard that bodily pleasure of any kind was fasted during Advent which may have explain the revelry as they celebrated the 12 days of Christmas.

    In contrast to the revelry in the Medieval times as explained in the link in the former paragraph the story in the video above explaining the song of 12 Days is very different. England in the 1400's was a time of working hard, playing hard, and coming to mass on Sundays and Holy Days. From 1534 to 1791 the Roman Catholic faith was not celebrated above ground in England. During that time parents taught the song we know as the 12 days of Christmas  to their children as a way to explain the faith.

    Last night I passed a house that was decorated similar to this stock photo from Facebook. I felt visually assaulted.  I don't mind a few lights to brighten this dreary time of year. I love the old fashion lights that my hometown has on Main Street. The photo below was posted by KRCR TV in Susanville, CA where there were deer in the town during our recent rain and snow. I got at least 5 inches of rain last week and it looks cold and bleak outside. 
    So, what better time to prepare our hearts for the Coming King. As Isaac Watts wrote in 1719 in the song Joy to the World, "Let every heart prepare HIM room." I don't want to be an inn keeper this Christmas Season, so in this time of Advent I hope you will join me as we search our minds and hearts to remove and set aside the things that are keeping Christ from being the center of our lives.

Deaconess Deena



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