
Laetare or Rose Sunday 2024

Rejoice in the Middle of Lent      In 2022 I wrote a blog on Rose or Gaudete Sunday of Advent.  Every Sunday we rejoice in the shared meal of the Eucharist. Today the Gospel Reading is the feeding of the multitude found in John chapter 6. Our Bishop today reminded us that we can rejoice as we are the "multitude" being feed. The Old Testament reading today, from Exodus 16, was the feeding of the Israelites with Manna . Manna was the miraculous food that God rained from Heaven causing the Israelites to say, "What is it?" in their Hebrew/Egyptian language.      Language fascinates me and I am always looking for the origin of words. We know that when people groups mix they collect pieces of each others language. The people with Moses who stepped outside their tents and saw this new food source said, "What is it?" and the name stuck. Thousands of years later we still don't know what it was but it nourished the Children of God in the dessert. As we take the

January 2024-Year to Heal Hurting Hearts

     I haven't written much in 2023. I read a lot, worked a lot and dealt with skin issues. It was a year of listening to my own voice. Molly and I took it slow and easy. December 2022 My St. Luke's family January 2023 February 2023 I got to baby sit this little guy some. February 24, 2023 Snow Day! March 2023 Celebrated, "Gotcha!"  3 Years April 2023 I met my Zoom sisters and got to spend time with my distant church family at Synod in Walnut Creek. May 2023 I discovered Bank Holidays in France are very different than USA. June 2023 Since I couldn't go to France I outfitted Pooh to go. July 2023 I shampooed a school of carpets. August 2023 Celebrated my birthday working with these guys. Then got treated to lunch mid-August for a job well done. September 2023 Rains began. October 2023 Walked almost 5 miles everyday. November 2023 I spent Thanksgiving at the Abbey  New Clairvaux  December 2023 I enjoyed a lot of special time at church. January 2024 I acquired a skin


  Celtic Cross in Ireland      Yesterday was Pentecost Sunday, or Whit-Sunday. In The Commonwealth it is a bank holiday today. Here, in the United States it is Memorial Day. On this Whit-Monday I have been reflecting on the first days after the Holy Spirit came down like tongues of fire and my friends and family who were in wars. . Knock Shrine, County Mayo, Ireland     My sister who lives in Georgia just returned from a trip to Ireland. She saw many historic site, visited with friends and family, as well as enjoying the peaceful country life.       The lush vegetation mixed with the history of the people for the past 1,500 years is present throughout her photos. The Emerald Isle is truly awash with green and flowering plants this time of year. Meanwhile in California      She left for Ireland while I was in Walnut Creek, Berkley and Concord for our APCK Synod.  I have spent the last month "unpacking" all that transpired for me during that week. Since I work 40 hours a week

Eastertide continues at Synod

 St. Mark's Feast at the Seminary      On Tuesday, April 24, I was blessed to celebrate the Feast of St. Mark at St. Joseph of Arimathea Theological Seminary in Berkley. I sat near the door and could see the Altar and the celebration of the Holy Eucharist at my left and out the door to the world on my right. It was a vivid picture of the Christian church; the people of God, and the world. The people were clueless and uninterested about what was going on inside this building. For 50 years Anglicans have been worshiping in this building while millions have passed by indifferent to the need for a Savior.     I was blessed to have a tour of the 1900 buildings and hear the story of Bishop Morse . He died peacefully at the age of 91 the very same week that my life changed and I began my current book of life. The highlight of the day was to see a video of one of his messages recorded 10 years ago; however, every word was appropriate for today. What books to do I bring to a week long retre


  He is Risen! Hallelujah! He is Risen Indeed!     The last two months have been a "good Lent". On January 6th I applied for a different position in the school system. It took the institution nearly 2 months and three interviews to let me know that I would not be getting one of the 12 positions. The first of March I threw myself into working an additional 3 hours a day in the after-school program. My assigned group are 21 students in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades. I am often tired by 4 p.m., but it has been a great change in my routine.    The week before Lent began, one of our perishers gave me a book entitled: Holy Island (A Lenten Pilgrimage to Lindisfarne.) Through the weeks of Lent the author gives a tour of the Holy Island and ties the history of St. Cuthbert from the 600's AD. with the pilgrimage of modern day.  I spent the last two hours each day visiting Lindisfarne in my mind.   Another book I was gifted this year is A Catholic Women's Book of Days .       This s

Rejoice - Gaudete

  Gaudete   Rejoice, rejoice! Christ is born Of the Virgin Mary – Rejoice! The time of grace has come— What we have wished for; Songs of joy Let us give back faithfully. God has become man, With nature marveling, The world has been renewed By the reigning Christ. The closed gate of Ezekiel Is passed through, Whence the light is risen; Salvation has been found. Therefore, let our assembly Now sing in brightness Let it bless the Lord: Salvation to our King. This video is the Latin words of the original song. Gaudete is Latin for Rejoice in this 16th century carol. 3rd Sunday of Advent Trader Joe's has a beautiful "Country Rose" collection      It is important to remember as we celebrate the Season of Advent that we are not only preparing for the celebration of the birth of Jesus our Christ, but also we are preparing our hearts as we await HIS second coming at the end of the age. He came a little over 2,000 years ago to be the sin offering for us all and as he rose again fro

A Prayer at Thanksgiving and Happy New Year

A Prayer for Plenty O MOST merciful Father, who of thy gracious goodness hast heard the devout prayers of thy Church, and turned our dearth and scarcity into plenty; We give thee humble thanks for this thy special bounty; beseeching thee to continue thy loving-kindness unto us, that our land may yield us her fruits of increase, to thy glory and our comfort; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen . (1789- Book of Common Prayer)     7 Years ago I took a personal retreat at The Abbey of Our Lady - New Clairvaux.   It was a time to reflex and enjoy the quiet of the monastic life. On Thanksgiving day the monks sent a lovely dinner to the guest house and ever day I could enjoy the smell of fresh baked bread. I was already gluten-free back then and enjoyed oatmeal each morning with fresh walnut from the path outside.     7 Years and many grandchildren later... I had another personal retreat this year. There was no need to leave my apartment. After enjoying evening prayer online via Zoom with the