

Celtic Cross in Ireland
     Yesterday was Pentecost Sunday, or Whit-Sunday. In The Commonwealth it is a bank holiday today. Here, in the United States it is Memorial Day. On this Whit-Monday I have been reflecting on the first days after the Holy Spirit came down like tongues of fire and my friends and family who were in wars.

    My sister who lives in Georgia just returned from a trip to Ireland. She saw many historic site, visited with friends and family, as well as enjoying the peaceful country life. 
     The lush vegetation mixed with the history of the people for the past 1,500 years is present throughout her photos. The Emerald Isle is truly awash with green and flowering plants this time of year.

Meanwhile in California

     She left for Ireland while I was in Walnut Creek, Berkley and Concord for our APCK Synod.  I have spent the last month "unpacking" all that transpired for me during that week. Since I work 40 hours a week at school and have my charity works it may take longer to unpack my thoughts and feelings.               Being the first Deaconess of APCK, I was honored to speak at the Anglican Church Women's luncheon with two diocese present. I spoke on Thursday which gave me three days to hear the questions that the people had for me. My 5 points were: What is a Deaconess, How did I become a Deaconess, what is my work of charity, what is my schedule of devotion, and how might others follow this path. Of course, there is also the question of my habit. That was chosen by the Bishops and blue happens to be a good color on me.

     Marion Devotion


     In my blog about The Little Way   of St. Therese of Lisieux, I spoke of my blue scapular that I wear under my clothes when I am not wearing the habit with the blue scapular over top. This is a form of devotion that my Cradle Catholic friends have shared they were entrusted with at confirmation. This was in the 1940s or 50s and is not a universal practice anymore. As I have made a practice of saying the 5 decades of the rosary each evening I am beginning to have more devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary. With so many times that she has appeared to humankind in the past 2,000 years with the same message, how can I resist.  

    My Baptist upbringing has made this one of the hardest pills to take in the fulfillment of my faith. We do not worship Mary, we ask her to pray for us. I have asked the Lord to give me more understanding of Mary as a woman on Earth and as the Queen in Heaven

     A year ago when I was given my new rosary I wrote a blog about the Queen of Heaven. After practicing the rosary everyday for a year I know that these prayers are giving me a more peaceful heart. My mind would wander some during the repetitions until I learn a way to give every bead a different prayer of intention. The final prayer explains what I have learned.

O God, whose only-begotten Son, by his life, death, and resurrection, has purchased for us the rewards of eternal life; grant, we beseech you, that we who meditate upon these mysteries of the most holy rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary, may imitate what they contain and obtain what they promise.



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