Peace of Heart

 During many conversation I hear of sad hearts. People who are saddened by the state of our culture, our weather, our news media, and they often ask rhetorically, "What is going to happen to us?"

In the book of Saint John, chapter 14, verse 27 Jesus says, "Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." (NKJV)

This verse alone is comforting. I have repeated it over and over the past few days to myself. The 14th chapter of St. John is a conversation with Jesus and his disciples. Namely, Thomas, Judas (not Iscariot), and Philip are asking him questions. I love Thomas as he is often late or needing clarification. I identify, as I have often been the one who asks the question in a group that I hope others are thinking. He wants to be shown, he wants to see, feel, and touch.

This last week Mother Angelica's videos were suggested to me by YouTube. The YouTube algorithm knows me better than I know myself at times. Mother Angelica Live  from July 1998 - Silence of Heart and Mind spoke a lot to me. Mother Angelica was born in 1923. She became a Franciscan Nun in 1944 and her order later became the Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration. She had a hard life filled with physical, metal, and spiritual pain. In 1981 she began EWTN and was teaching on a live call in television program. The video that YouTube suggested was one of these programs. 41 years ago, but it seemed what she said and the questions that were called in could be today.

25 Years Ago

25 years ago Princess Diana died after many years of public exposure. One story called her, "A shy kindergarten teacher." She was hounded by the media everywhere she went and every time she turned her head. She tried to escape them by going to Africa to do humanitarian work, but they followed. In one video I watched she holds a tennis racket to cover her face from the paparazzi at the same time bending to accept a flower bouquet from a little girl in an airport. She was the princess who showed all the little girls that you could dream to be special. She was only two years younger than me. As a young mother I also watched her life. I did not have time to think about how troubling it was for her.

Another death 25 years ago did not make much news this week. That was the death of Mother Teresa of Calcutta. She died 25 years ago today at the age of 87. She was born in North Macedonia on August 26, 1910. At age 18 she joined the Sisters of  Loreto, in Ireland. Not until September 1946 did she receive her "call within the call" to go to Calcutta. Then it was not until August of 1948 she had the approval to change her habit for the sari with the blue boarder that is iconic in our minds. December 1948 at the age of 38 was the first time she set out alone to begin her service to the people of Calcutta. 

25 years ago I attended a church service where I felt my own "call within a call". Since childhood I had wanted to be a mother. I was baptized at the age of 6 and was involved in church ministry all of my growing up years. I did become a mother and felt a desire to help others to become Godly mothers. There were many times I slipped up (sinned against God and man), however, I feel that writing about my sins is not edifying to anyone. Read about St. Augustine if you want to see a great conversion story and by the way, a great story about a mother who prayed. 

While I sat in that church listening to people who had gone to Calcutta and worked with Mother Teresa and  was thinking about the humanitarian work of Princess Diana my heart burned. I did not know how, or when I would have opportunity to go anywhere, but I committed myself to the Lord that night. At the time my children were 2, 3, 5, and 7. I knew my primary job would be to serve God through bringing them up to be devoted to God and HIS work.

A Peaceful Heart

Many schools have started before Labor Day. However, my opinion is that school will still start the day after Labor Day and the rest was just practice. Tomorrow is the first day of my "latest and greatest" schedule as my supervising teacher has told me. I have been learning to service our students in reading, writing, and math while she is putting out fires all over our campus and now traveling to another campus part of the day. Yes, I need prayer for a peaceful heart.

All of my students have an individual education plan (IEP.) They come in groups of 3 to 5 and I help them in whatever way the plan suggests. 5 hours a day/ 5 days a week, except for the 20 minutes a day I help on the kindergarten playground. I love the work and the joy to see these little lives spark with new knowledge. As I write this there is a triangle that keeps popping up on the left hand, bottom corner of the screen. It is my weather app. The triangle pops each time we go another degree above 100, the triangle fades and is replaced by a sun covered in "SMOKE."đŸ˜“The forecast is around 114.

We had some changes in our family dynamics this past month and I chose to put my university classes on hold for a semester. I will be reviewing my course work to return in the Fall term. This is giving me more time to spend with family and the ability to take one of Bishop Ashman's World History classes. He is a retired history teacher and I love to take his courses. 

To begin the practice for a peaceful heart I have washed the window of the slider that goes out to my second floor balcony. Molly touches it with her nose and leaves a lot of drips. It is going to be over 110 degrees most of the next week and I thought, if I wash the window it might rain. Ian is headed to fight a fire to the north west and I am sure they would love some rain; however, it is not in the forecast.

My oldest granddaughter called a short time ago asking for advice on her first needle point project. That fells my heart with peace and joy. I treated myself to a facial and massage today to prepare for the next week. This was a gift I gave myself after working so hard this summer. It would be so great to be able to relax the way Molly does up in her tree. With all my knots massaged out and having had a deep oil treatment ~ I am prepared for whatever the week may present to me. Peace of heart is a choice.

“The Lord bless you and keep you;
The Lord make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
The Lord a lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace.”

Numbers 6: 24-26 (NKJV)


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