Dear Diary

 Dear Diary, 

   One year ago I was at the Synod for the Diocese of the Western States for The Anglican Province of Christ the King. That Friday was the consecration of our local Priest to become a Bishop. 
Bishop Mitchel is the one without a big hat

   That day I had lunch with the ladies who are behind the scenes of the Synod as they told me what would be my duties as the ACW President of St. Luke's Anglican of Redding. I was humbled, honored, and quit overwhelmed by the end of the day. 
   I went home to collect my cat, go back to my classwork at CSU-Ohio, and working as an instructional aid in an elementary school. Molly and I sat back into our schedule.
  I continued my communications with the ladies in Grant's Pass, Oregon and Southern California. My duties would be as the hostess for the ACW luncheon of 2022, while continuing to be the Altar Guild and keep up with my university classes and daily job. Molly-cat has given me lots of love and encouragement so I don't have to be overwhelmed.
   For many people the social distancing of the past two years has been very uncomfortable. Once I got Molly to keep me company at home I found it a great time to do what I and reflect. I am busy doing things at the church a few hours a week, plus services. My work requires me to talk for most of 5 hours a day. Reading and studying are more than hobbies for me. It is my way of life. 
   The past year I delve deeper into Christian Church History. In the process I fell down many rabbit holes. We have establish a routine of devotion that encompasses my walking, talking, lying down, and rising up. When I have a day off from work it is my pleasure to visit some of our ladies that are not able to attend regularly. At school I can show the love of Christ to the children without discussing my own belief. With these sweet ladies I can share my heart.
   The Synod this year is just a couple of weeks away. I haven't taken any extra time off work the past few year, thankfully I have not gotten sick since September 2019. It will be fun to take three days off while hosting our guests in Redding. My apartment is too small to host a guest here, they will be at a local hotel down the street. Molly will be very happy that she doesn't have to go to the Pet Resort.
   A few weeks ago I had lunch with my local Bishop and Deacon. I was asked if I would like to have the title of Deaconess. After looking at the Cannons which described the position, praying, and talking to a few of my people, I accepted. I was humbled and concerned. During Lent I committed this title to the Lord and asked for a cleaning of my lifestyle. I feel very good about the choices I have made as the Holy Spirit has lead me to a stronger devotion. It was great to do some Spring Cleaning during Easter Break. Giving things away gives me such joy. 
   The past 2 month I have spent a lot of time researching sisters of service in other sects of the holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.  As a Deaconess I would consider myself a Sister of Service which is similar to a Nun. The biggest difference is that I will not get to live in an Abbey or Convent, but would continue to live in my apartment with Molly-cat. My devotion to the Lord is in the world but not of the world. My day job will be the same. It is such a blessing to have a calling for my latter half of life.
Vintage Print of Jesus praying in the garden

  I have a print like this hanging on my wall. It is a copy of the picture that hung in my childhood home. My children's great-great aunt Alberta owned the one that I own. I treasure many lovely things that belonged to her. She died in 1984 before I met the family.  I feel that we would be kindred spirits. My favorite things that came from my former life  belonged to her. After seeing the movie The Passion of Christ on Good Friday I know this is a stylized version of what Jesus looked like as he was sweating blood when he prayed for his disciples and asked that HE as the God-man would not have to die for our sins. But then he said, "Not my will but Thine be done." (Luke 22, KJV.) Every time I step out my door and see this print I am reminded that I go out to do His will and not mine.
  By May 15th the Synod will be completed and I will be on to the next chapter of my life. School will be out on the 10th of June and Molly will have reservations to stay at her Spa. I am taking a week off to meet my latest grandchild and relax before 7 weeks as a custodian again this summer. I have scheduled a second week off before school starts in August. This summer I am only taking 2 classes. It is exciting to see my course work at University fill up on the chart they gave me of courses needed to teach Transitional Kindergarten through 5th grade. 
   Spring is beautiful where we live. The seasonal allergies have let up with the winds. Cottonwood Trees will be in "full fluff" as the cotton ball seed pod drift to the ground. The frogs in Shasta Creek are singing their songs and the hummingbirds are visiting the feeder. Outside my nest there is a world with war, famine, pollutions, and sin. I recently applied for a promotion in my school and as I answered the questions for work ethic and co-worker interaction I chose the answers that were "dependable" and "positive." Yes, the world is a sad and dying place but as for me and my cat we chose joy.


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