Pollen in the Air

    I identify with this meme in so many levels. This last week we had temperatures rise over 80 degrees. Tuesday the pollen count was high, the winds were worth "emergency weather pattern" in the email, and the children were letting loose now that the masks are off.

    Tuesday was the day I started working 8 hour days three days a week at school. Arriving at 7 a.m. to greet children on the playground at 7:15 a.m. My normal schedule would be to waive lunch and work until 12:30 p.m. Tuesday I was taking my lunch from 12:30 to 1 p.m., except there was a fire drill. I noticed a few pieces of playground equipment on the way back to the break room and dropped my walkie-talkie in the ball basket. ( It was not recovered until Wednesday morning.) I tutor 4th grade after school and watch a group of 3rd grade kiddos after tutoring until the bus comes about 3:35 p.m. 

    With the high winds and pollen I was sneezing my head off. There are 8 children in my tutoring group, so that was homework with 4th grade math times 8 with two different teacher who had two different assignments. The best news of the week was that my university was having Spring Break.

    Wednesday I coped better and had an endorphin high when my radio was found as I opened the ball closet.  Thursday was the challenge. A Bob Cat with a jackhammer was working outside of my room all day! After school I was able to move a couple of walls away for tutoring and visiting with my bus group. Friday no tutoring and my body felt like I was the one who had used the jackhammer. This was similar to the feeling of an 8 hour car drive on bumpy roads. The fellas on the jackhammer crew had trucks and backup beepers going all day Friday.

Tea for Six

    Friday I treated my reading group to a tea party with real cups and cloth napkins. We had read Mr. Putter and Tabby Pour Tea this week. I used to have thematic studies like this with my children when I homeschooled. It was fun to hear the chatter and laughter. They were saying, "May I have tea with just a little milk?" I had gotten English Muffins and cream cheese just like the story. Memories were made and we had fun.

Assorted Tea Cups and Pot
Tea Cup and Napkins

Altar Linens

    Saturday is laundry and iron day. I washed the tea napkins and ironed them after ironing the church linens for Sunday Mass. This is the 4th Sunday of Lent. It is one of the two Rose Sunday's of the liturgical calendar. Rose Sunday is a day of Refreshment. 

Rose Sunday

    During Lent and Advent I don't get to put flowers out except on the Rose Sundays. Trader Joe's saved me two bouquets of pink roses.  
Molly making me rest

    I was home by noon to rest with Molly-cat on my lap. No homework and just Refreshment.

    In two weeks we will have Spring Break. My university will be on that week before Easter. I will get to sleep in and enjoy observing Holy Week. Last year the district announced that all 12 month employees would be observing Good Friday on Monday after Easter. I am a 10 month employee and did not get Good Friday off, but I took it as a personal day. This year it will be included in Spring Break. Observing Good Friday on the Monday after Easter doesn't work for me.
    In the last generation our country has changed so much in observing holidays. In the 1980's my office closed on Good Friday at noon. Schools were closed and many businesses closed at noon on Good Friday. "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."
    Recently, I brought home these rock from church and repainted the crosses on them. Today a sweet friend gave me a beautiful rosary with painted roses on the beads. In this season of Lent I am thankful for a weekend of refreshment. Two more weeks of school and my 35 hours of campus life each week. The weather is changing quickly to spring. Drinking more water and layering the clothing for 30 degree differences from morning to afternoon are a must. I hope to paint eggs again this Holy Week. 
    Thank you Lord for a season to become refreshed.


2016 Egg painting


  1. Whew, a very busy and noisy time for you. Grab down time when you can find it.


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