Memories in the Wind


This week I completed a project that was six years in the making. January 2015 I rode a double decker bus to Reno from Sacramento and spent the New Year Celebration with my sister, Elaine. She had been a rep for Creative Memories at one time and had all the tools for me to compile my life in good quality, archive pages with protectors. Life happened and I stopped working on the album shortly after retuning to California.

                                                    The book is now completed 1959 to 1987.

January 1960

January 1986
It felt good to complete that area of life and have it set in a nice binding. When Facebook offered to compile the past 6 years for me I jumped at the chance. The Facebook Pastbook is worth the money.
I rarely post my food, but this was the cover they chose and there is no other food in the book 🤣
4 years ago, my 1st gradchild

Abbie's birthday memories and Molly's "Gotcha"

A bunny booty and my Dad's dog

My Dad and his new Wife's Christmas selfy

The final page is Christmas for my Grands
This week I sat on the porch swing with my Dad on one side and his lovely Bride on the other side. We walked down memory lane and shared with her my life. I also have some archive pictures of my Great Grandparents that my Dad had not seen and a special baby pictures of his Mother from 1909.
    On February 25th 1987 I released a little girl for adoption. That seemed like a fitting time to end this album. I had cards and notes to finish the last page from family and friends. This sweet girl and I are still in contact and she celebrated her 34th birthday this week. Meanwhile, in Redding I closed the chapter.

Spring is Here

The forsythia near my carport

My ESL student in the school orchard

Grandgirls meeting new Great Grandma and Great Granddad

In Redding we start flowering in January and February. The ornamental plum trees start up and the forsythia near my mailbox and carport is an early bloomer. Our school orchard has peach blossoms and apple blossoms. 
    Last weekend we had a baby shower for my son who is expecting his first child mid March. My Grandgirls came up with their mom and dad to the festivities. Everyone got to meet Granddad's new bride. A great time was had by all.
    Molly and I have enjoyed our first year together. Shelter In Place where our journey began is a memory for the books. Please click the link to see last years pretty blossoms and more of baby Molly.
She is about ten pounds now and has decided that none of these things should be on her shelf. On Friday she will have her annual vet visit and get shots. March is a month of new adventures and we have reservations for me to go to a conference in Chico and her to stay at a Pet resort in April. 
    I know that the past year has been very hard for many people. Molly and I are doing extremely well. 
We have started to put out a few Spring décor items. (She seems to have the final word with decorations in my apartment.) March is the longest month of the school year, but it is also Reading Awareness month. That is my specialty, so I will run with it...
Dr Suess is celebrated all week at my school. Our cafeteria will have special food. We will get to have read aloud and enjoy a week to prepare for conference week. 
    In two weeks Molly and I will celebrate her "Gotcha" Day 💮🎂


  1. Congrats on the the album projects! I still have empty albums waiting for photos.


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