Hugs and Hearts in the Wind

 I found a cute book ~read aloud on YouTube called: The Day it Rained Hearts.

It was a rainy day recess before we took off for President's Week and I thought the kids would like it. I was wrong, but they indulged me for a short video. I cut a stack of hearts and "rained" them on the children as they told me their opinion of my choice in movies. Oh well, 3rd graders it was my choice that day. 
     I was really glad to have this week off as it has rained a lot. Indoor recess is always hard. However, after Shelter in Place  it doesn't seem too bad. A year ago when we had our President's holiday I had no clue what my next month, let alone year, would hold. Did any of us have a clue? 
    Two years ago I was wrapping up my time at Boulder Creek and preparing to move over to Shasta Meadows. I was house sitting and hanging out with my friend Virginia Middleton. I took her to her church on Sunday while her family was out of town. That year I spent 7 months of the year house sitting.
    Then last year I spent most of the year in my apartment and didn't leave for anything except groceries for 3 months!

New Year 2021

    Two months in and 2021 has not been what we thought it would be either. I got my first vaccine on February 6th and will get the second shot March 6th. No magic cure to the economy there. A new president took office. My life has not change from that situation. The governor is requiring that all the kids at school wear a mask or shield since the beginning of the year...that has not really changed my life to much. 

    Just a few of my mask collection. Sadly not all parents wash their kid's mask everyday. We do have disposable ones for anyone who forgets and the children have been given at least two washable masks and a shield if they want one. I have more at work, but this was just what I had in my apartment that have been cleaned. Who knew we would be matching our masks with our outfits a year ago!?!
    I started selling Color Street nail strips where a nelfie is a thing.
    However, I am still getting unemployment for Pier 1 and just starting up my business. I'm not making any profit yet, but have had a lot of fun and met some amazing people in my group. I found out that the extra strips could be made into earrings and I made 40 pairs of earrings for my colleagues at Shasta Meadows for Valentine's Day. 
    My university  classes had some snafu, so I will not be starting up classes until March 15th. In the scope of the universe, I am okay with that... Since my last class before Christmas I feel like I have have been a hot mess some days and okay other days. As soon as my last class was over I began emailing and calling the university for my January term classes. Finally in late January a real person started contacting me and I should be starting March 15th. I still don't know which classes I will be taking.
    I have continued to work at the church as the Altar Guild and that is my place of sanctuary.  Ironing the linens on Monday and Wednesday after school has given me a place of peace and reset after dealing with the masked world at school. I bought flowers to honor my Mother, Nephew and unborn baby in mid January for the Altar. Each week I would put them in the refrigerator at church and take them out on Saturday. The flowers were beautiful for four weeks and I brought them home this Sunday.
Molly Approves
    My tablet gave up the ghost a few weeks back. I went to Target and bought a Kindle Fire. With the Amazon Prime account I was able to sync my old books onto the new tablet. Surprisingly there was a book I did not remember buying, but I have really enjoyed this week.
A year ago I had my passport and was planning a trip to Paris. I have been studying French on an app called Duolingo for 501 days for this trip! I truly have been LONGING FOR PARIS. I have watch every episode of Rick Steve's Europe on France at least twice in the past year. I have a friend who taught in France for 10 years and her children have duel citizenship. This was an attainable goal...until Covid. When Sarah Mae wrote this book she too wanted to go to Paris, but it was unattainable with her children being small at the time.
    In this book she has helped me unpack my longings and find ways to fulfil the longings for, where I am. I can still take walks on the Redding. I can still eat slow and thoughtful Redding. I can give this longing to Redding. I have many chapters left to reading and I am excited to live through my longings now.
    All the rain we have been experiencing has been packing the snow in the foothills and mountains all around. This will be good for the skiers and snowboarders. Later in the summer the snow melt will be good for the lakes. 
    Today I got a call from one of my ninety year old friends. She has been fighting with phone companies and computer for the past few phone visits we have had. I last stopped by to see her about 4 months ago on my way back from visiting grandkids. I have about four of these ladies who were born in the 1920's who call me and share their lives. They amaze me with their computer knowledge and adaptability to new things. Each had a career and raised children. Each have a strong walk with God. They call me sometimes to tell me their woes, but usually I feel encouraged by them. Thirty years from now if the Lord does not return I pray I will be an encouragement to some younger woman. 

New Beginnings

    In March I will start a new semester.
    In March I will be blessed with a new grandson.
    In March Molly and I will celebrate her 1st year anniversary of her "Gotcha Day".
We have had an exciting journey this past year. Sadly, I have friends who have lost loved one through this terrible pandemic. We have cried together and held each other in our hearts even when we couldn't hold each other in our arms.
    April will be another excited months with plans of having my sisters both visit for the first time in over a year and I get to be a delegate at my church Synod. We are having a baby show this Saturday, but nothing looks like it has in the past. Masks and social distancing are our current normal. One of the reasons I write today is; someday we can look back and this will be a memory. I wont have a dozen masks on my  counter to match every outfit. Someday only bank robbers and doctors will wear mask again. 
Oh my goodness, as I review my blog post from February 19, 2017 my baby boy was moving out. In less than a month he will hold his son in his arms. My nest felt so empty that week. Now it is full of love. I get to see my grandgirls this weekend. We visit on the phone, but nothing is like a face to face giggle and cuddle.



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