Only Good News in 2020


Ready, set, go....
Most of us are ready to see 2020 in the review mirror. I wanted to spend some time this afternoon to reflect on, "Only the Good Stuff" that was my 2020.

The Best of 2020

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ January~ 

After completing hours of orientation I was accepted in the ASPIRE program at Simpson University. From January to May I completed 12 university units and retained my 3.5 GPA.

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ February~ 

A quick trip down the Sacramento Valley

During my President's Break I snuck down to see my grand-girls and their lovely Mama. These girls bring everything: Princess, Giggles, Serious talks about knee high observations, and Cuddles to Grammie. 
This picture touches all my senses

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ  March~ 

Little Miss Molly
One night in mid-March I was in a Zoom class and the world shut down. I suppose like the moment Ronald Regan was shot and the 9/11 that moment is imprinted into my brain. The next day I called my daughter, Mary, and she said, "It is about time, Mom." I had been missing my kitties that I left in Cottonwood almost 5 years before....
Marshamellow and Guy d'Orange
Marsha and Guy were left in Cottonwood and their sister BeBe had died before we moved to Redding.

Miss Molly was such a blessing when my world shut down. A workaholic for 40 years...the shelter in place order was a quick stop in my tracks. For many it was a train wreak. For me it was more a time to adjust priorities. Lent began on February 26th, but the soul searching really started March 20th. Through this crazy time Molly sat on my lap reflecting on her own life. She was a stray in Cottonwood that had been brought to a shelter in Shingletown. She had been pregnant and had been spayed and they guessed that she was about 6 months old. My little buddy had a lot of healing needed: mental, physical, and domestically.  

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ  April~ 

My nails were amazing

Facebook messaging calls became a life line

Daily updates from my daughters of the grandboy and girls made April bearable

We couldn't meet, but we could still collaborate 

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ May~ 
Molly's tummy had healed up and she loved the sunny spots

We fell into a routine and accepted our life without friends and family. I called my Dad every night and we just took each day for the blessings that God intended for us.

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ June~ 

June 1st we got to go back to Pier 1 

When we left Pier One Imports we had hoped to be saved from bankruptcy. Unfortunately, we did not have that luck. As we marked down the Easter stock that had been sitting their for three months, we also put up the signs for "Going Out Of Business."

Entire store marked down

The school year had ended with no fanfare. I went to drive through retirement parties and a small swim party, where we social distanced.

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ July~ 

At not quit a year old Judah started to walk

Grammie Gig is the best

Ellie and Molly having a video chat
4th of July

I snuck over to see the Grandboy and the girls kept up with the video calls through the Summer while I put in as much time as I could at Pier One and swam in the evenings at my apartment pool.

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ August~ 

My Birthday dinner- August 2, 2020
With Hummingbird Zin Molly and I dealt with the heat in August and unlike the year before when we had a packed house at Kelly's Pub for my birthday, I ate alone. Outdoor dinning in 105 degree heat is not for sissies. 

My look for school 20-21
Birthday party for Emelia and Judah 

August was a full month. School started in the second week and the grandkids had a birthday party that weekend. My niece in Reno got married that weekend too. It was 107 degrees and we were all thankful for the swimming pool in Grass Valley at the venue.

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ September~

My Dad and his new Bride

My final farewell to Pier 1
The doors closed for the last time

September was a bitter sweet month. We closed Pier 1 Imports in Redding the same weekend my Dad and his lady-love, Rita, were married. It had been nearly a year since his wife had passed away and Rita had been a good friend of mine for over 30 years. I am so happy for both them to have this December love in their lives.

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ October~ 

Color Street Nails are me

Central State University (CSU Ohio)

October was a time for some change. I was getting partial unemployment since March for Pier 1 Imports, but I needed something to do with my time and to spark joy. I completed the semester at Simpson in the Spring, but the cost was an issue for me. Our union had advertised helping with a bachelor's degree. I was able to start the 2nd half of Fall semester and complete 9 units this semester ~free. 
With Covid closing all the campuses it didn't matter that my university is in Wilberforce, Ohio. Also I was able to get started selling Color Street nail strips online with Facebook parties.
Left-new Bible, Right- Bible presented in 1967

I also celebrated my one year anniversary at St Luke's Anglican Church in Redding. In July the Bishop had been travelling through from Los Angles and performed my confirmation ceremony. In October the Clergy of St Luke's presented me with a new Bible including The Book of Common Prayer and the Bishop had signed the confirmation page.

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ  November~ 

My favorite things 

Last day of in-person school 2020

I was sitting in my chair 4 hours a day completing my universities classes and for a couple of months we had kiddos on campus until Thanksgiving break. I started reading Louise Penny books and Molly maintenance kept me out of trouble the month of November. A sneak trip to Yuba county during Thanksgiving break to drop off Christmas presents and come home in one day....then hope that we all stayed healthy.

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ December~

St Luke's Anglican Church

Christmas Wishes from Dad and Rita

Judah opening his gift from me

Em giving Ellie a makeover?

Our Christmas card this year
December has been a full month. I became "all" of the altar guild at church. I have been getting a great steam treatment a couple of times a week from ironing fair linen.

Dad and Rita are doing great and Dad's hair has gown out over his scares from brain surgery in the summer.

Judah is everything you want a one year old boy to be and a lot more.

Video chat today

Em and Ellie have the most amazing personalities and we have the best time chatting. Today they woke me up and we had a video chat for over an hour before I ate breakfast. I did have a cup of coffee before taking this picture of our chat. 

This year I have spent a lot of time looking at my self on a computer screen. I have spent hours, days in online classes and taught hours, days of classes online. I have learned to teach and watch a dozen children on the screen doing all manner of things while I taught. I have muted my camera while taking a class- to let the sun shine on my face. I have talked to people all over the United States in classroom forums. 

I adopted a cat!!!!!

Yes, 2020 was a year of pain, grief, challenges, and discomfort for many people. My prayer for 2021 is that we will all be a little kinder. My one word for 2021 is "Kindness". The entire world hurt in some way in 2020. By showing more kindness in 2021 we can show our world that we understand and we care.


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