Love and Prayers Mama


One the back reads: 
"Love and Prayers, Mama"

The past couple of days I have been thinking about how people are missing out on hugs. I had a co-worker approach me and say, "I need a Deena Hug." Of course, I gave her a hug. However, I had to check over my shoulder for the Covid Police.
PSA- How to Hug

I have seen so many different memes on "How to Hug" during the pandemic. Everyone has an opinion on  what is and is not going on with 2020. I am just stating the facts. I have to wear a mask or shield with a drape 6 hours a day at school. I know my life is not as stressful as people who work 8 and 12 hour shifts with the masks on. Those people are the heroes to me this year.   

I miss hugs. I was surprised that the children learned so fast to keep their hands to themselves. There is always that one kid who can't keep his hands off others, but the huggers are the ones who I am talking about. There is one sweet little girl in third grade and every day last year she would ask me for a hug. She wanted to give them, but her mom had taught her to ask first. Now that same girl is not asking anymore.

My mom used to sign her letters "Love and Prayers". I feel like that is what I want to say to everyone I meet. I love you. I miss hugging you. Or as we used to sign our letters in grade school "XXOO". 

The Covid positive cases have skyrocketed in my area the past month. One of my classrooms had eight children out of class on Friday. When I got home Friday a message came out from the district that we are closing campus to students from November 30th to January 11, 2021.  No Christmas program, no setting on Santa's lap in the mall, no caroling in the snow....opps, we don't have snow here for Christmas and I will sing where ever and whenever I want!

Yesterday I was thinking about all of my clients that passed away about 10 years ago. Earlene was one of my Mamas.
Earlene's 90th Birthday with my girls
Seeing this picture was like a hug from heaven.

Here is an even older one with the boy
My goal in the next month is to give as many hugs and I can. We can follow the guidelines world. 

Hugs are not against the law. 

Here is a blast from the past. Still Got Some Class. This was a time 8 years ago when I had no job, no car and our home was about to be sold for debt owed from my mother-in-laws estate. God worked it all out and I sit her today with a wonderful home, fantastic job, sporty car and saving account. Perspective people! It is all in perspective.


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