In all things give thanks...

Thankfulness in preparation 
for Advent
Thanksgiving is a time of reflection for all that the Lord has given us. In 2013 I wrote about the tradition of reading Wind in the Willows. The Gis-Butterfly post was simply titled, "Family."

June 2014
In 2014 Abbie and Tim got married and Ian graduated from High School. There is no post for Thanksgiving, but I know I was thankful that Abbie had a wonderful marriage and Ian had safely completed his first year of Wildland Fire Fighting from looking at the post from October.
1st Thanksgiving in the Nest
There were no words that first Thanksgiving in the Nest. I went to Abbey New Clairvaux for a three day retreat and spent my Thanksgiving meal with strangers who also were seeking.
Emelia Claire Arrived August 2016
A Thanksgiving Poem for 2016. I had begun to settle into my life at the Nest and I was given the title: Grammie. Only two years before I had posted, "when will I get to bake cookies with Grandchildren :)"
2016 was the year of Moving On

My Mama's Church

In 2017 I prayed for reclamation 
I had begun working at Pier One Imports for my second job. The day after Thanksgiving I wrote a prayer. I did not have words to describe what my heart was feeling. The years the locust had stolen were beginning to be returned to me. I was finding myself. The person I was before the Locust was not the same I was after the storm. I was stronger, older, had four amazing children with spouses, and grandchildren beginning to pop out all over the place.
2018 was a year that I hardly lived in my own apartment. My friends started asking me to house sit and I was at someone else's home 7 months out of that year. My vacations were spent in Retreats with other people's pets. 
Judah meets Great-Grandad
2019 had a lot of change. My first Grandson was born just 8 days after my birthday. I reclaimed my maiden name and sadly my Dad's wife of 33 years passed away before Thanksgiving. In November I began the process of returning to university studies for my bachelor's degree. 
Em and Ellie 2020
2020 has been a year that many people would like to forget. I can't forget what has happened to me in 2020. I completed my first semester of University classes and have one week left in my current semester.
My Grand-girls are so fun to visit and thankfully we visit often over Facetime. Ellie will be two in about 2 weeks and she is her Mama's Mini Me. 
Judah and his Mama
Judah, Joey and I went to the zoo. Facemasks are a sweaty ordeal, but that makes the experience more memorable. The mask keeps me present, in the moment. I have had to wear them with my students since returning to school off and on through the year and I can't be thinking about anything, except what is in front of my face.
Dad found a new Love of his life

My Dad was blessed with a new Love of his life and they were married in September. I get to have my first Thanksgiving with my Dad since 1991 tomorrow. It is such a blessing to me to see him so happy.
The Highlight of Shelter in Place
2020 will be remember as the year of toilet paper shortages, Shelter In Place, face masks, and people reinventing family time. I will remember 2020 as the year that this Crazy Cat Lady got her spirit animals in the flesh. Molly is her own person. We live as roommates with separate responsibilities. She purrs and I feed her and clean the litter box. She makes me laugh and I provide toys. We have a great relationship.
I am sorry for people who have had extreme hardships in 2020. I know what that feels like. 28 years of living so low below the poverty line I could not see it over my head. No gifts for my children, just prayers that someone would feel the blessing of giving to us. Some years no car, some years no money for car insurance and some year sick children. I understand my friends and I pray for you.
I am thankful that this year none of the things I expected to happen did happen. However, The Lord blessed me in so many ways I never imagined. 2020, I am glad to see you in the rearview mirror. I am glad there are some vaccines on the horizon for this awful virus that has infected our world. I am optimistic for 2021. 

Thanksgiving 2016

Flannel Sheets for my bed
Loved ones voices in my head

Hummingbirds out my window
Little Em's Bow

Turkey in the oven
with a pumpkin muffin

Little's Thanksgiving note
So much rain, I may need a boat

Gluten Free Fish in my homemade goo
Emeila's Coo

Lavender and essential oils
No more boils

Washer, dryer, dishwasher and heat
My little nest can't be beat

Thankful to my God above
For all my family's and friend's love

 Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. Do not quench the Spirit. Do not despise prophecies, but test everything; hold fast what is good. Abstain from every form of evil.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-22 (ESV)


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