
Showing posts from February, 2021

Memories in the Wind

  This week I completed a project that was six years in the making. January 2015 I rode a double decker bus to Reno from Sacramento and spent the New Year Celebration with my sister, Elaine. She had been a rep for Creative Memories at one time and had all the tools for me to compile my life in good quality, archive pages with protectors. Life happened and I stopped working on the album shortly after retuning to California.                                                                  The book is now completed 1959 to 1987. January 1960 January 1986 It felt good to complete that area of life and have it set in a nice binding. When Facebook offered to compile the past 6 years for me I jumped at the chance. The Facebook Pastbook is worth the money. I rarely post my food, but this was the cover they chose and there is no other food in the book 🤣 4 years ago, my 1st gradchild Abbie's birthday memories and Molly's "Gotcha" A bunny booty and my Dad's dog My Dad and h

Hugs and Hearts in the Wind

 I found a cute book ~read aloud on YouTube called: The Day it Rained Hearts. It was a rainy day recess before we took off for President's Week and I thought the kids would like it. I was wrong, but they indulged me for a short video. I cut a stack of hearts and "rained" them on the children as they told me their opinion of my choice in movies. Oh well, 3rd graders it was my choice that day.       I was really glad to have this week off as it has rained a lot. Indoor recess is always hard. However, after Shelter in Place   it doesn't seem too bad. A year ago when we had our President's holiday I had no clue what my next month, let alone year, would hold. Did any of us have a clue?      Two years ago I was wrapping up my time at Boulder Creek and preparing to move over to Shasta Meadows. I was house sitting and hanging out with my friend Virginia Middleton . I took her to her church on Sunday while her family was out of town. That year I spent 7 months of the year

What is Septuagesima?

       We had the season of Advent after Thanksgiving. (Man did that go by fast.) Then there were the Epiphany Sundays after the TWELFTH Day of Christmas when we celebrate the Magi coming to see the Christ Child.      Now we have the three "esima" Sundays before the beginning of the season of Lent. Our Priest spoke this past Sunday of a preparation for Lent in these two weeks before Lent begins on February 17th. I found this quote in a Roman Catholic journal discussing why in Vatican II they chose to take the "esima" Sundays out of the Roman calendar and just have "Ordinary time" between Epiphany and Lent.     " The note of sadness in most of the texts of these Masses has given rise to the theory that they were composed at a time when Italy, and Rome in particular, were once more exposed to barbarian invasions, and threatened with misfortunes similar to this which had overwhelmed them in the fifth century. The sixth century, the time of the institu