
Showing posts from May, 2022

New Appointments

       About a months ago my Bishop asked me to lunch. We discussed me being appointed to a position that I had not heard of since I was a small child. I was raised in the Baptist tradition and I now worship in the Anglican traditions so I knew the title of Deaconess must be something very different. In the next few weeks I fell down a number of rabbit holes searching for "Anglican Deaconesses" and found that there are not many in the U.S.A.       A friend gave me a new book by Donna Fletcher Crow entitled " A Darkly Hidden Truth. " Fletcher Crow did not disappointment me in my search of Anglican Traditions in England. In the story Felicity  visits Anglican convents and Sisters of Service which gave me ideas of how I might fill this position in the USA today.      The appointment of Deaconess in my Province of Christ the King Anglican (APCK) must come from a Bishop. This is an appointment and not an ordination. Many other sects throughout the world allow their Deaco