
Showing posts from April, 2022

Dear Diary

 Dear Diary,     One year ago I was at the Synod for the Diocese of the Western States for The Anglican Province of Christ the King.  That Friday was the consecration of our local Priest to become a Bishop.  Bishop Mitchel is the one without a big hat    That day I had lunch with the ladies who are behind the scenes of the Synod as they told me what would be my duties as the ACW President of St. Luke's Anglican of Redding. I was humbled, honored, and quit overwhelmed by the end of the day.     I went home to collect my cat, go back to my classwork at CSU-Ohio, and working as an instructional aid in an elementary school. Molly and I sat back into our schedule.   I continued my communications with the ladies in Grant's Pass, Oregon and Southern California. My duties would be as the hostess for the ACW luncheon of 2022, while continuing to be the Altar Guild and keep up with my university classes and daily job. Molly-cat has given me lots of love and encouragement so I don't h

Queen of Heaven pray for us

  The Coronation of the Virgin Diego Velázquez "1) And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars: 2)  And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered." (Rev. 12: 1,2; KJV) Mary the mother of Jesus is spoken of as a woman with a crown and as Jesus is the King of Kings (Rev. 19:16), then we know that she is the Queen Mother. In Biblical times she would sit on HIS right side  (I Kings 2). Biblical Kings could have many wives but only one mother and she would be in the place of honor next to him when she came to court. In the tradition of the early church Mary the mother of Jesus was held in great regard. She is a perpetual virgin and not until after the protestant reformation was this concept thrown to the wayside. Through the ages Mary has visited people telling them to come back to her SON and pray. Our Lady of the Rosary Las Lajas Las Lajas, Colu