Leaves in the Wind
For Everything there is a season.... This week I had a milestone moment while writing a paper in Multicultural Education . This class has not been a stretch for me, however the instructor has made me look at my childhood and that has been difficult. On the surface I had a two parent home with a mom who did not work out of the home until I was about 12. My family had dogs and cats and we went to church a lot. It was the 1960's and no one I knew went to Vietnam to fight in the war. My memories are lonely and filled with pain. My assignment this week was regarding a classroom project that a 3rd grade teacher performed in April of 1968 following the Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. I pulled out my photo album and realized that I was in 3rd grade in April of 1968. Little Deena is bottom right above Tom The experiment done by Jane Elliott could have been in my classroom by Mrs. Terrill. Mrs. Elliott divided the chi...