
Showing posts from July, 2022

Museum After Hours and Cleaning a School

       It is mid-summer in Redding, California. The 10 day forecast is over 105 degrees everyday. I am so thankful for air-conditioning at work, in my car, and most of all ~ in my apartment. I spent 28 years of my life living without air-conditioning in this area. I will never forget what a blessing it is to get a Redding Utility Bill in August that tells me I enjoyed not sweating 24/7 through July.      My summer job the past two years has been as a custodian at my elementary school. I do sweat a lot during my 8 hour shift for those 2 months. Today was no exception. I spent my first couple of hours shampooing a carpet. The classroom had cooled to about 75 degrees by the time I was finished and I think I had the room at about 80% humidity. We have these amazing industrial fans to dry the carpets. I am feeling like I am in a tropical jungle and turn on the blower. All of a sudden I am now being attacked with blow darts from pigmies in the jungle. Actually, it is push pen flying off the